Connecting Xbox Controller to Raspberry Pi via SSH

This guide provides step-by-step instructions to set up and connect an Xbox controller to a Raspberry Pi over SSH, using only the terminal.

Setting up Dependencies

To enable Bluetooth and install necessary drivers:

  1. Enable and Start Bluetooth Service

    sudo systemctl enable bluetooth
    sudo systemctl start bluetooth
  2. Update the Package List

    sudo apt update
  3. Install Xbox Driver

    sudo apt install xboxdrv

Connecting the Xbox Controller

To connect the Xbox controller, follow these steps using bluetoothctl:

  1. Open the Bluetooth Controller

  2. Turn Bluetooth Power On

    power on
  3. Enable Agent

    agent on
  4. Set the Default Agent

  5. Start Scanning for Devices

    scan on
    • Look for the MAC address and name of your Xbox controller in the scan results.

  6. Pair the Controller

    pair <MAC Address>
  7. Trust the Controller

    trust <MAC Address>
  8. Connect the Controller

    connect <MAC Address>
  9. Exit Bluetooth Controller

    • The controller should now be connected to your Raspberry Pi.

Setting up Python Environment

For this project, a specific Python environment is required:

  1. Run Python from the Virtual Environment

    sudo ~/Projects/venv/bin/python
  2. (Optional) Create an Alias for Convenience

    • To simplify running the specific Python version, create an alias by adding the following line to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_aliases file:

      alias mypython='sudo ~/Projects/venv/bin/python'
    • After adding the alias, reload your shell:

      source ~/.bashrc
    • You can now use mypython to run the project-specific Python.

This completes the setup for connecting an Xbox controller to your Raspberry Pi via SSH and configuring the required Python environment.