Software Support
Getting Started
Set up a Raspberry Pi: - If you use a Raspberry Pi or a similar single-board computer, please set it up with an OS.
It is recommended to update to the latest version of the OS, set up a WiFi connection, and enable SSH.
Also, set up Bluetooth and connect a controller to the Raspberry Pi for debugging later. Refer to Connecting Xbox Controller to Raspberry Pi via SSH for instructions.
Install Dependencies: - Install Python and the required packages.
sudo apt update sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip pip3 install odrive cd ~ git clone<removed-for-anonymity>/Unibot.git cd Unibot/code pip install -e .
Initial Calibration
Run the following command while the robot is on a stand with its wheels free to move. Ensure that the ODrive has power before proceeding.
Configure the ODrive:
sudo ./Unibot/code/src/
This command takes about one minute to run, and the robot’s wheels will move during the process. Once it completes, do not change the orientation of the wires.
At this point, your robot is ready to use.
Example Usage of the Repository
Run the folloing to set up a simple waypoint mission to make the robot move around.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
from unibot import Unibot
from unibot import Waypoints, Waypoint # Or "from unibot.waypoints import Waypoints, Waypoint" if you prefer
def main():
# 1. Create your Unibot instance
unibot = Unibot(max_speed=50, max_acceleration=10)
# 2. Set the motors to closed-loop control
print("Motors set to CLOSED-LOOP control.")
# 3. Define some waypoints
# Each Waypoint has a direction (x, y), a speed, a duration, and an optional delay after the move
waypoints = Waypoints()
waypoints.add_waypoint(Waypoint(direction=(0, 1), speed=0.5, duration=3.0, delay=1.0)) # Move forward
waypoints.add_waypoint(Waypoint(direction=(1, 0), speed=0.3, duration=2.0, delay=1.0)) # Turn right
waypoints.add_waypoint(Waypoint(direction=(0, -1), speed=0.5, duration=3.0, delay=0.5)) # Move backward
waypoints.add_waypoint(Waypoint(direction=(-1, 0), speed=0.3, duration=2.0, delay=0.0)) # Turn left
# 4. Execute the waypoints asynchronously
print("Executing waypoints...")
# (Optional) Let the robot do its moves for 10 seconds
# 5. Stop execution (if you want to halt prematurely or after finishing)
print("Stopping waypoints execution...")
# Deactivate the motors or keep them in closed-loop as you see fit
print("Motors set to IDLE. Done.")
if __name__ == "__main__":